Monthly Archives: August 2009

Ol’ Red

Ol’ Red was showcased in our last Thulani Program newsletter. To refresh your memory, Ol’ Red was rescued during an animal cruelty raid on a farm in north Texas.Twenty-five dogs were rescued and all were placed in homes, except Ol’ Red. Red had a huge oral melanoma tumor and a heavy heartworm load and the vet recommended euthanasia. Red’s defenders would not hear of it, found a vet to remove the tumor, and arranged for transport out to German Shepherd Rescue of Northern California’s Thulani Program. Red was given two months to live.

Thirteen months later, Ol’ Red is living the good life in Napa, showing no signs that he realizes he is sick. He has learned how to play with other dogs, has learned what toys are for, has melded into a very special loving household, and has struck an alliance with the five resident cats to raise havoc (by tipping over the garbage and spreading it all over) whenever unsupervised. Red is finally living the life he always deserved and loving every minute of it.